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TVP is a regional television corporation with local identity in northwestern Mexico. They are backed by more than 50 years broadcasting, shaping a strong, dynamic television with a spirit of service to society.


La Urbe

This is a laid-back urban blog, where you can find different posts and videos that show you "taboo" topics. It is a journalism that teaches us about diversity and life on the streets. Belongs to TVP.


Figma Prototype

This is the figma prototype example, I created the user interfaces and add really cool stuff. This was a little project to practice my HTML, CSS and JS skills. This website was created using Gatsby and React, and I consume the Unsplash API to obtain the photos used in the project.


Crypto Exchange

This is a web project to check the last prices of Crypto coins. This is the final project in Proffesional Vue Course of Platzi.

Vue.jsTailwind CSSChart.js

Residencial Cibeles

Landing page for the presale of Residences in Mazatlán. Residencial Cibeles is part of Grupo Alert and Vicasa Real Estate.


Nichos Funerarios San Pablo

San Pablo Funeral Niches are located inside Hogar San Pablo, in Cerro de Vigía in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. This home is a non-profit Civil Association authorized to receive tax deductible donations and houses 26 boys and young men between the ages of 9 and 18.


Erick Perez's Portfolio

This is my personal portfolio, where you can find how to contact me, some of my work and experience such as Web Developer. In future, version I want to integrate my own cooking recipes, stay tuned!


Fundación Grupo Alerta

It is a Foundation created in 2019, which supports various social assistance institutions for the benefit of the communities of northwestern Mexico, showing a special interest in education. The objective is to offer scholarships to outstanding students who do not have the resources to continue their studies.


Blockbuster Movie Catalog

In this project is to re-create a simple React library using only Vanilla JS. In addition, I built a Redux and Style Components API also, with the same stack. The objective on this challenge was understand how JavaScript works before I use different JS frameworks to use them.